The Rizzcast Podcast

A Mindset Shift for Creative Entrepreneurs

Justin Rizzo Season 4 Episode 2

Join me as I share a simple shift in perspective that will challenge the negative "what ifs" that can dominate our minds. 

Our world has a way of normalizing pessimism and doubt, but what if we chose to see things differently? In this episode, I discuss the subtle yet powerful influence of these negative "what if" questions on our decision-making and overall mindset. We'll look at the importance of seeking wisdom, being thoughtful, and how sometimes we lean too much towards fear rather than wisdom. Whether you're a fellow creative entrepreneur or simply someone looking to strengthen your faith, this conversation will inspire you to reframe your questions and embrace a life of faith and positive possibilities. 

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Speaker 1:

I want to talk to you about something, about a phrase that came to me the other day when I was working out, still kind of figuring it out. So have some, have some grace here as we're talking it through. But God is not a God of what if? What if I move forward and I epically fail? What if this person fails me? What if I do this and this happens? What if? What if? What if to epically fail? What if this person fails me? What if I do this and this happens? What if? What if? What if? And these what if?

Speaker 1:

Questions that we constantly ask ourselves, that ultimately lead to fear, anxiety, anxiousness, are just not helpful, and I kind of felt this prompting of ask the other side of the what if? Questions Like what if the Bible is true? What if God really is who he says he is? What if? If you ask anything in my name, then it will be done unto you? What if that is true? You know, when we look at the scripture, there are so many references to the steadfastness, to the truth, to the love, to the faithfulness of our heavenly father. But it's so easy in this life for the other side to radically invade. We're not talking like a trickle of some, you know, arrows flying every once in a while in our culture. If we're not careful and if we don't feed ourselves the other side, if we don't feed ourselves with truth, we are like radicalized with this other way of thinking. So then suddenly the other way of thinking becomes the normal way of thinking and that's the logical and the right or the truthful way of thinking, when all the while the Lord's on the other side being like, actually you're an alien and you're a stranger here in this life. The what if? Question in the realm of anxious or fearful or you know, should I move forward on this or should I not, is the wrong question. We should be looking at the other way. What if God is actually who he says he is? Now, of course, the caveat we need to ask the Lord for wisdom. We need to be thoughtful in what we do.

Speaker 1:

Wisdom is talked about a whole lot in the Bible, but I think that most people that I know, myself included, we're not erring on the side of wisdom over here. I think mostly we're erring on the side of my goodness, what if this happens? I think mostly we're erring on the side of um, my goodness, what if this happens and it just constantly gets us slowly, not not mile by mile, Cause mile by mile we wouldn't put up with that. You know, if we were like you know, um, in the Lord's um army, right, that's like the old song goes. But seriously, if we were in an army, if you like, suddenly turned around, like sprinted away, it would take a lot for you to do that Like man, I'm a coward or whatever. Or like this person's going to look at me and say you know treason, you're a traitor, or whatever. So instead we go millimeter by millimeter by millimeter, inch by inch by inch, by inch by inch, and so much, so much.

Speaker 1:

Even the theology that we learn, that we give ourselves to, kind of pushes us into this, this ideation and this mindset of no, I just need to really think everything through and not press go Unless I have this like 1000% confirmation of the Lord. I need three dreams, I need to put on fleece, I need to do this and I'm not saying those things are necessarily bad to do. And again, we want to have wisdom with this stuff. We don't just want to, like you know, randomly, press go on stuff. But the what if? Question, I think is a question that we give ourselves to way too often.

Speaker 1:

So hit me up in the comments. Let me know what you think about this. Hey, thank you so much for listening. My name is Justin Rizzo and I'm a worship leader, songwriter and filmmaker based in the Midwest United States, and I've been a full-time creative entrepreneur for over 20 years, and I love talking about it. This is a place where I talk about the joy-filled times and also the many pain-filled times that we go through as creative entrepreneurs. I do all of this from a biblical worldview and perspective. Glad to have you along with me on the journey, give me a follow on social media and check out my website for more resources.