The Rizzcast Podcast

Man Made, Heaven Sealed: Harnessing the Power of Childlike Faith

Justin Rizzo Season 3 Episode 6

'Man Made, Heaven Sealed' talks about how heaven validates our small steps of faith. As we begin moving and taking action, the Holy Spirit comes and seals our choices. But free will is powerful and it is up to us to move.  It's up to us to believe like a child, unburdened by past disappointments and fears. It's our weak faith, intertwined with the Holy Spirit's powerful guidance that will get us to our destination. 

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Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome into another episode On this podcast. We look at the intricate life of being an entrepreneur and creative, while encouraging the pursuit of your passions and dreams from a biblical worldview. Excited to dive right in and talk about a phrase that kind of came out of me, I was recently speaking with one of my clients about something that they felt to pursue and I just kind of like said this statement. It really struck me, and then I also have some things in my life even that this statement applies to, and you might as well. It's a simple phrase. It's man made heaven sealed, man made heaven sealed. And it's this idea that man makes a decision, they step out in faith, they begin to walk down a path and then heaven comes and seals it and as that faith is enacted, heaven, jesus, the Holy Spirit, can't help but come and say I'm going to stamp that, I'm going to mark that, I'm going to seal that, I'm going to, you know, blow my wind upon that and see great fruit come, as this man or woman or whoever makes a decision to do something and to step out.

Speaker 1:

Now is there times to wait on the Lord? Absolutely. Are there times where doors just aren't open and man should not bang down doors Absolutely and really. Only you and the Holy Spirit can decide. You know when that decision is to be made. But for my life, you know, looking back upon my life, I see so many times when I had it backwards, I was waiting for this heavenly anointing, this heavenly door, this angelic yes. Go forth, my son, and do this, as I've commanded thee since you were, you know, five years old, and the prophetic words said it now go and do it and then you'll begin to do stuff as man, right, and I'm beginning to realize that so many times it's the opposite. Man makes a decision, yes, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, you know, walking in union with him, not just as brash. You know, I'm just going to do whatever I want to do and God will seal it. But I think my tendency, and a lot of people that I talk to their tendency, isn't to walk forward in this arrogant pride of just doing whatever they want, just assuming God will, you know, come behind and you know, or he's made of way in front of them.

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That's typically not what the struggle is. Typically, the struggle is this reservation, this fear, this waiting for this, you know, supernatural, heavenly, you know. Stamp of approval before we do something. And I think so many times it's the opposite. We even look at scripture. How many times? Yeah, the Lord may have called Abraham out, but Abraham had a choice to go. The Lord sent Samuel to David's house. David had a choice of whether to go. There's so many examples. I mean, of course you can look at Daniel and be like, well, poor guy didn't really have a choice. He kind of went for it, you know, same as Joseph, like they didn't really have a choice in the matter. But this man made in heaven sealed reality. I'm currently walking in that right now with this third film. I've been talking about it here in the podcast on my social media. It's called Eden's Twilight. We are just a couple of weeks away from production and we still need, upon the recording of this podcast. We still need about $90,000 by October 1st to pay for this thing. We've raised about $167,000. So we're about 67% funded towards our goal of what we need to make this film.

Speaker 1:

And all of this is based upon a whisper that I heard about two and a half three years ago, where I felt the Lord, just this little, little nudge. It wasn't this like supernatural encounter. No angel showed up. I didn't hear anything. It was three films in three years. And there was this resolute yes in my spirit and, if you will using my little phrase here, man began to do stuff, man began to make stuff and I began to see again and again God's seal things, heaven seal things, heaven break through. Heaven caused this to happen, heaven caused this to happen. The Holy Spirit did this and it was just this partnership with God Like I've never experienced in my life.

Speaker 1:

Faith without works is dead is an interesting phrase. It's been a phrase that's plagued me for the past several years, as I thought I was a guy filled with faith. I mean, I grew up in the church like a worship leader, guy, songwriter, seeing the acts of the Holy Spirit and supernatural things happen. It's great. But faith without works is dead and I believe and I've said this on the podcast before that if Justin is doing, or if you're doing, something that is fully within your capability and talent to do, are you really walking in the fullness of what God has for you to do?

Speaker 1:

Now again, I'm not saying live a crazy life. I'm not saying do things that are foolish, especially if you have a family. You know there's financial responsibility. I don't think that is a good thing, all those things for sure. But man made and heaven sealed. More than ever, I believe that that is the process that we're to dive into with the Lord Now again. That being said, if we're listening and if we're truly seeking him face to face, you know through the word every day, through you know praying in tongues and connecting with him on a regular basis, those whispers are gonna come. So you could make the argument of like well, justin, you heard a whisper three years ago. Three films in three years, but I still had to make, I still had to step out when I had no money, when I had no team, and I had to see will the Lord seal this? Will this happen? Man made and heaven sealed.

Speaker 1:

And so I wanna encourage you today, wherever you find yourself in ministry you might be a worship leader, musician, singer, songwriter, artist, producer, entrepreneur, home builder. Wherever you find yourself today, I wanna encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit, say Holy Spirit, inventory my dream life, not your nighttime dreams, but your when you're awake, the things that you dream about doing. Lord, inventory those dreams. Are there any of them that have already been having whispered that you're waiting man to move on, that then heaven would come and place its seal upon. As I've begun to move and I've been so inspired and I hope this is inspiring to you I've been so inspired by the Bible, these simple men and women in scripture who were just like you and I in the Old Testament.

Speaker 1:

They didn't even have the Holy Spirit right, yet they had such faith and for Abraham, the Lord credited to him his faith as righteousness. There is such power in faith and to end this, from the words of Jesus, he says unless you become like these little children, unless you become like these little children I have an eight year old and a five year old and guys, they believe if you're a parent out there, you know they have no reservations, they're all in, they believe, they're all about the moment, living fully in that moment. They expect the best and they believe the best, and that is what I want my heart to cry to be, and yours as well. I hope this is encouraging to you, would love to hear from you and we'll talk to you soon. You.