The Rizzcast Podcast

Creative Legacy Conference - Tickets Now On Sale!

Season 3 Episode 5

Online and in-person tickets are now on sale for my Creative Legacy Conference happening this January 24-27, 2024 here in Kansas City. This year's conference features John and Stasi Eldredge, Amanda Cook, and others. All of the information can be found here: 

For information on becoming a sponsor at Creative Legacy please email 

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome in to another episode. This is the Raisecast podcast and I'm your host, justin Rizzo, and, if you're a new listener, this podcast focused on the intricate life of being an entrepreneur or creative, while encouraging the pursuit of your passions and dreams from a biblical worldview. And on today's episode, I'm going to be talking all about my creative legacy conference that just opened up for early bird registration today. So while we're really listening to this episode here, if you're listening to this at a later time, it's on September 4th early bird registration opened 2023. For the creative legacy conference, you can click the link in these show notes after you listen to the rest of this, obviously, because you want to hear what I have to say about the awesome speakers who are coming, some of the topics we're going to be talking about. But, yeah, registration literally just opened. I'm so excited to gather together. This conference is kind of birthed in my heart by the Holy Spirit years ago and it just didn't feel right, didn't feel right, didn't feel right. And then finally, about a year and a half ago, I kind of felt the wind in the sails of this and so we did our first one this past January. It was a great time. We gathered together for three days and we're doing the same thing this January. So January 25th through 27th hearing.

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Kansas City knew for this year we have an online option. So last year I had tons of people reach out to me can I watch online? Actually, I had people buy tickets and then you don't see where they lived, whatever, or they would email me and be like oh, I thought this was like an online thing as well. You know, because everything's online now, I was like no, sorry, just in person. Year one, you know. So like a startup. But this year we've gotten the whole online web streaming, so you'll be able to literally feel like you're with us here in Kansas City. But if you can get here to Kansas City, I definitely encourage that, because there'll be times of prayer, ministry time, impartation and there's just something about being in the room for something like this that just makes it so much more special. But online is great too, if you're not able to join us. And also new for this year along with having the online option, is every single ticket in person and online. Every single ticket comes with a 365 day VOD video on demand option. So if you buy in person ticket today for early bird. You're going to have 365 days after this event ends to watch every single session over and over and over and again. So we're going to have 12 different breakout sessions for you can take the whole year and watch them as your leisure, and then, of course, the online ticket will come with that as well.

Speaker 1:

So a couple people that we have come in I can't name everyone right now, there's some contractual things that, for different reasons, I can't name until certain dates but John and Stacy Eldridge if you don't know who the Eldridges are, you're missing out. Go check out their books. John and Stacy have been a huge inspiration and a huge help in my life, through the different seasons of my life being single, married, being a father. Their books have been just such a lifeline and John and Stacy Bollises have such a gift that many in the body of Christ have just drank from their well for so many years, and it's such an honor to have them speaking at this event. Amanda Cook many of you guys know who she is formally with Bethel Music, phenomenal worship leader, phenomenal songwriter she's going to be with us in worship. Joshua Heath Scott, who owns JHS pedals the owner and founder of JHS pedals, an incredible friend, an incredible entrepreneur, an incredible speaker. So you guys were at the conference last year. His session was definitely a standout. That's available on my YouTube channel right now. You can go to my YouTube channel Josh Scott. His message was amazing. We have Stu G coming. We also have Wayne Simian Jr, who's a former NBA champion, and a lot of other people who will be announcing soon. So it's going to be an amazing, amazing three days.

Speaker 1:

I just want to talk briefly about some of the topics that we're going to be talking about. These are from our main session, so let's give you guys a couple. How the gospel unlocks creativity. Session two God created a theology of beauty and artistry for pastors. If you're a pastor, you're going to want to hear that session. It's going to be incredible. Next session God's mission, our calling, why artistic integrity matters in the 21st century. And the last one I'll mention for today be still my soul, the art of resting in God.

Speaker 1:

So those are some of the main session topics, some of the breakout sessions. I'll just name a couple of them the image of God and the creative expression created to proclaim ideas for pastors that fuel creative preaching. And the final one I'll mention how fundraising propels your creative journey practical tips and ideas. How fundraising propels your creative journey practical tips and ideas. Now, I could talk about this for quite some time.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to, but just to quickly mention this topic was talked about last year in a slightly different way, but it was talked about last year and it was one of the most attended breakout sessions and I believe it will be again this year, because what is talked about in this session is how to war against and overcome the poverty spirit and poverty mentality, where money is constantly the biggest glaring thing in your mind, and the lack and the lack and the lack of like.

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Well, I know God called me to do this, or I feel inspired and supposed to go over here and do this, and God told me one day I'm going to do this and all we can see is the barriers most of which are financial, of why that will never happen and it's probably just wasn't a real prophecy, or the person got it wrong, or I probably don't deserve it, or I did this, so God's rejecting me, or all the different things that we can create in our mind.

Speaker 1:

I believe are rooted so much in this poverty mentality and what this session talks about and really uncovers is the need for faith to be in the heart of the creative, the need for faith to be in the heart of the pastor, the worship leader, the entrepreneur, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

And so, how fundraising propels to creative journey, practical tips and ideas is going to be a phenomenal, phenomenal session.

Speaker 1:

So, again, registration is open. Today, september 4th, early registration. We have another price jump I think it's in early October and then the final price jump will be in early December. So make plans to join us here in Kansas City January 25th through 27th 2024, check out the website creativelegacyorg. And also we have a sponsorship deck. If you're a business owner or a church and you're interested in sponsoring the event in some way, we have probably, like I think, 25 or 30 different options, all the way from getting your company logo on the lanyard of every single conference attendee to getting mentioned in the booklet that everyone's gonna get, to having screen time for the online and the in-person audience congregation to share about your event, to share about your business or whatever it is. If you're interested in that, you can email me down below and we will send you out the sponsorship deck. But either way, thank you so much for listening and I look forward to hopefully seeing you here in Kansas City this January.